Heinrich-von-Gagern-Gymnasium Frankfurt am Main

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Word of the Week

C. Schmitz
Auf dieser Seite werden teilweise internationale Zeichensätze verwendet.

Word of the Week

1) witch 2) wand 3) Ta-da!

1) a woman who is supposed to have evil magical powers 2) a slender stick, used by a magician, witch or fairy to do magic 3) exclamation (imitation of a fanfare (typically used to indicate a dramatic entrance or announcement))

Link to present incidents:
Halloween make-up tips from the National Theatre: the perfect witch!
For a witch, you need three colours - one medium, one light and one dark. We used green, yellow and dark blue. Using a big brush, cover the face in your base colour (green). You want it to look thick and even all over, including the lips...Ta-da! Now you just need a hat (and maybe a broomstick, wand and cat). (The Guardian)


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